As A Human With A Vagina, I’m Here To Tell You That All Rapes Are Brutal, Period.

Taken from here.

I have been arguing on the Internet. Which, yes, I know, is stupid and pointless. I know my debates and arguments are not going to sway everyone's opinion, but as a woman and a mom I still keep screaming into the ether and at least hoping by doing so that I am making a small dent in what I like to refer to as the "Gigantic pile of victim-blaming and rape-shaming fuckery." Unless one of you gentle readers can give me a better title that can be made into a cute little acronym or something. In this case, I have been arguing with Lee Stranahan, over whether or not it's fair to call the Steubenville Jane Doe's rape "brutal." More »

As A Human With A Vagina, I’m Here To Tell You That All Rapes Are Brutal, Period. is a post from Mommyish - Parenting Imperfect.


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